High School Service & Retreat Information

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 At Holy Rosary, high school students are expected to begin preparation for Confirmation in the ninth and tenth grades by participating in the following  each year :


Confirmation Information for High School:  9th & 10th Grade Students & Parent/Guardians:


The goal of this preparation process is to strengthen the Christian's baptismal call to discipleship. After a three year process of preparation, candidates who are ready to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation are presented to the Bishop, requesting that they be fully initiated into the Catholic Church. Readiness is achieved in several ways: knowledge and understanding of the Sacrament and the gifts of the Holy Spirit as well as general knowledge and practice of the teachings of the Catholic Church. Candidates are expected to begin preparation in their ninth and tenth grade years by participating in the following each year:


      *Attend Saturday/Sunday Eucharist weekly  ( Sunday Eucharist is central to our belief and practice as Catholics) 


    *Attend one retreat each year with Holy Rosary Youth Ministry


        Retreat options for : (9th & 10th grade)   


      Please select a retreat and email or call-in your selection to Brandi at bklibert@olohr.com  or 647-3696. Keep an eye out for more details on each          retreat in the bulletin. Click here for more information on the upcoming retreats or to sign up.


  1. Retreat at Holy Rosary, Sunday, August 25, 2019, 11:00am-4:00pm
  2. Red Stick Catholic Fest, Baton Rouge-
  3. March for Life-
  4. Abbey Youth Fest, Covington, LA-
  5. Steubenville on the Bayou-




     *Encounter Nights (hosted by Youth Ministry)


      *Fall: (Attend at least 1, may attend both)
      *Spring: (Attend at least 1, may attend both)


     *Attend and participate in Religious Education classes   


     *5 Service Hours (Due on or before March 15, 2020) See enclosed flyer for suggestions


Service can be at Holy Rosary or in the Community. 


      * In addition to 5 Service Hours


     *   Serve at one weekend Mass with Religious Education class (more information to be given at Religious Education.)       



Click Below for Documents


Service Hour Form 2024/2025


Service Hour Suggestions


Upcoming Service Opportunities

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