Baptism Program and Policy
Prior to scheduling a Baptismal date at Holy Rosary, all paperwork must be completed and turned in to the Parish Office. This includes the completion of the Baptism Podcast and questions or an in person Baptism seminar if parents and/or godparents have not completed either of these options in the last 3 years. All forms and links needed are located at the bottom of this page.


If you wish to have your baby baptized in another Catholic parish, you will need a letter of permission from the pastor here and you will need to fulfill all obligations for baptism required by the church of baptism.


Baptism Seminar Podcast offered through Holy Rosary
Baptismal Seminar Podcast is an option for parents and godparents. Please listen to the Baptism Podcast below with Fr. Josh Johnson and Wendy Enloe and then click the link to answer and submit your responses as credit for Baptism preparation. Through this podcast and discussion questions, participants are invited to delve more deeply into the meaning of our baptismal faith. 


Godparent Eligibility
The church has some very clear guidelines in regards to godparents. In addition to the expectations of the culture and of the families involved, the Catholic church requires the following of godparents:


You must designate them, and they must be willing to help your child lead a Christian life in harmony with baptism and fulfill the obligations connected with it.
They must be at least sixteen years of age and mature enough to undertake this responsibility.
They must be Catholics who have received the three sacraments of initiation, namely: Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation.
They must be an actively practicing Catholic, participating at Mass on Sundays and Holy days, and receiving the sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation regularly. If the person you are considering as a godparent is married but not married according to the laws and practices of the Catholic Church (if you were NOT married in the Catholic Church, have NOT had you marriage blessed or validated), or is cohabitating (living together without marriage), that person cannot serve as a sponsor and you will need to consider someone else. If the prospective godparent is not in a valid Catholic marriage, they must have their marriage blessed before they can be eligible as a sponsor. Please allow sufficient time to complete this process, if necessary.
A Catholic who has defected from the communion of the Church is not eligible to be either a godparent or an official witness. This is true whether or not they understand themselves to have joined another Christian ecclesial community.


Non-Catholic Participation
Can a non-Catholic serve as a godparent? Technically no, since one of the requirements under Church Law for godparents is having celebrated Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist in the Catholic Church. The reason is that our church sees the godparents as more than a concerned relative or friend who encourages Christian behavior. The godparent will represent the Catholic Community into which the child is being baptized and will help the child grow in that community. For a Catholic baptism, only a Catholic can do that.


Official Witness
While it is ideal that parents select two Catholic godparents, the church only requires that there be one Godparent. A baptized non-Catholic may serve as a “witness” to the ceremony, as long as a Catholic godparent is present. The non-Catholic who is selected as a witness should be an active member of his/her church community. The sex of the witness need not be opposite that of the godparent. During the ritual, a non-Catholic witness at a Catholic baptism may perform all the parts of the ceremony that a godparent does. His or her name may be entered into the parish register as a witness, together with the name of the godparent. An official witness must be baptized with water to be eligible as an official witness.


A person who was baptized in the Catholic faith and has converted to another religion cannot act as an Official Witness.

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