Discernment of Spirits Study

Discernment of Spirits Study: 

Beginning April 24th and 26th, Mondays at 6:30 pm or Wednesdays at 10:45 am

8 sessions

Meetings will be held in the House of Prayer and Study Community Room

Sessions will include a presentation on the topic by Wendy Enloe and a discussion.

Fr. Gallagher helps us understand St. Ignatius of Loyola’s Rules for Discernment and how their insights are invaluable for our spiritual growth today. By integrating the Rules and the experience of contemporary people, Fr. Gallagher shows the precision, clarity, and insight of Ignatius’s Rules. This book is for all who desire greater awareness of God's actions in their daily spiritual lives.

If you would like to purchase the book for $21 and the reader's guide for $11 ($32 for both) please indicate this on your registration below. Books can be picked up in the Parish Office beginning April 17th.  Study Schedule


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