2016 Flood

January 4, 2017

Dear Parishioners,

We are giving you the parishioners of Holy Rosary an update as to where we are in the rebuild of Holy Rosary from a financial position as well as our general financial condition in regards to income and expenditures. Although we have started to receive insurance proceeds for the rebuild of the buildings on our campus, our exact cost numbers verses insurance proceeds are not yet certain.  Based upon the costs we have incurred to date and insurance proceeds received to date as well as estimates of costs to complete the job and insurance proceeds expected, we are very hopeful that Holy Rosary will have minimal debt to finance (if any at all) as a result of the flood.

One key decision that we had to make was in reference to the rectory.  The rebuild of the old rectory was deemed cost prohibitive.  So plans to pursue the purchase of a modest house nearby to serve as the future rectory are being made. Hopefully this cost will be covered by insurance proceeds as well as grants from the diocese. Any excess costs for this project can be funded by donations already received or a portion of the festival proceeds. No decision has been made yet with regards to use of the old rectory.

Our present financial condition is holding steady in large part due to those who are able to continue their regular church contributions, donations received from those outside of our community and festival proceeds. We are very grateful for our hard working festival workers and those who continue to be generous with their donations-without them we would be in a much more difficult situation. Why? Because our collections have dropped off about 20% as compared to July through November 2015.  Building fund collections for the same period are also down around 40%. Although understandable due to the dire situation in our community, we are hopeful that things will turn around for parishioners as well as our church. We are leaving no stone unturned when it comes to reducing expenses.

On a personal note, I want to tell you how impressed I am at the resiliency and determination of the people of Holy Rosary. It’s a testament to your faith and I am truly inspired. Let us all pray that God will restore the homes and lives of everyone here in St. Amant and that this community will return to a better sense of normalcy.

Peace and blessings,

Deacon John





Dear Parishioners,
It was with great joy in the midst of suffering that we returned to our beloved Holy Rosary Church this past weekend September 17th & 18th. The church has not yet started the rebuild but it was necessary that we return home and the many comments and emotions proved that the return was fruitful. The caution tape and barren sanctuary reflected the condition of the majority of homes in St. Amant and many shared with me th e uncertainty of their own rebuilding- the waiting and not knowing- what will insurance or other sources cover? Instead of talking about the rebuild I think it important to let you know how we will reschedule events at Holy Rosary. Keep in mind that these are all tentative dates.

Baptisms are postponed till November 13th & 20th at 11 am mass. The corresponding seminar is scheduled for November 8th at the usual time. Call the office for details.

Wendy Enloe, DRE, will communicate Religious Education classes, First Reconciliation, First Communion, and Confirmation schedule to you soon.

After consultation with the staff, the fair chairpersons, and the Parish Council it was decided to proceed with having the parish fair October 27th thru 30th. The schedule has been modified to eliminate/change events that might be financially intrusive to families in our community. In fact we plan on giving ride bracelets to affected children with donations received from outside of our community. The fair committee shifted the focus away from fund raiser to community gathering. It will be an opportunity for all to step away from the tedious task of rebuilding for a moment and have a little fun and fellowship. Many from outside of our community have volunteered to work the fair. This is a good opportunity for outsiders to both do something for our community and come and see what it’s like in St. Amant after the flood.

Staff and knowledgeable parishioners continue to work to make sure that our resources are used wisely in the rebuild of the parish. I pray that all who are displaced will soon be able to return to their homes and life will return to a sense of normalcy. Too, I pray that all be graced with the presence and peace of Jesus, the source of all peace.

God Bless,
Deacon Johnny

UPDATE: 9/10/2016

Now that the cleaning and drying phase at Holy Rosary is for the most part complete (rectory has more demo), the reconstruction phase is in full swing. But as you well know often progress in this phase can often be slowed by several factors. I assure that I am doing everything I can bring the rebuild to completion as soon as possible.

The carpet deliver was delayed. Installation for the Adult Ed building is expected to be finished by the end of next week. Administration will begin painting next week after which floors will be installed. Expected completion is September 24.

Obtaining carpet for the church may take longer than expected. We want to make sure that a full lot of the same carpet can be ordered. So we will install the plywood backing next week, replace most of the pews, and have weekend mass in Holy Rosary Church. Please check our website and Facebook for updates on mass location. And help us spread the word.

The parish center and the rectory are still 6-8 weeks out. We hope to have a schedule for Reconciliation/1 st Communion, Confirmation, and PSR classes next week.

The chapel at Holy Rosary is ready. We will have abbreviated schedule of adoration next week. Please call the office for info.

God bless,

Deacon Johnny



Even though I have only been here a week I feel like I’ve been a part of this community for much longer. So many of you have been kind and welcoming. The staff here is easy to work with and they work very hard because they really do love their church community. Holy Rosary is blessed to have them. As our church campus slowly recovers I want to give you an update ont he progress.
As of September 1, 2016 the church carpet has been removed and t he flooring dried completely. Under floor insulation will be completed next week. Ductwork will be replaced within the next two weeks. Hopefully carpet installation and all other work in the church will be finished by September 24.
The Administration Building drywall is installed and is ready for float and paint next week as well as carpet installation. The Adult Formation Building carpet installation will start next week and
that is all that is needed to restore it. The Parish Hall is having the vinyl/laminate flooring removed next week, dryout is complete. The  rectory is having floors removed and dry out beginning next week.
Please continue to pray for Holy Rosary Community. I pray that all victims of the flood may be both spiritually and physically restored and that we will all soon worship in our mother church building again. I hope to see you at Lake Chapel this weekend. Have a blessed Labor day.
Deacon Johnny


First and foremost, we want our Church family to know that we  understand what you are going through and we want to help you through  this time of need. Here is an update to the status of the Church  campus. We do have a crew cleaning and gutting at this time. All  buildings on the premises have had some degree of damage from the  floods, except the Adoration Chapel. The Adult Education building  received minimal damage, the baseboards and carpet have been pulled  up. The administration building received more significant damage with  walls, carpet, desks and more. The bottom floor of the rectory and Church held  water and the Parish Center received 2 and half feet of water. 

As you may have noticed we have not been operating at 100%. Some of  our staff members have sustained flood damage as well. We are in the  process of moving our offices into the front of the rectory  temporarily. We should be up and running in the next couple of days.  The Parish staff along with Deacon John Veron and Father Jamin David  came together to put together a plan to allow us to help our  parishioners that have been affected by the recent floods.

If you have  a particular need (food, water, man/woman power, etc.), please message  the Holy Rosary Facebook Page, or call the Parish Office (if able). If  you are a parishioner who has not been affected and are willing to  help in any way possible, send a message in one of the aforementioned  ways and tell us how you can help.

All scheduled meetings, Religious Education classes and Adoration at Holy Rosary are postponed  until further notice. 

Due to the condition of the Church buildings and facilities we are  partnering with St. Mark's to accept and distribute donations (new  items and no clothing). If you have donations to drop off or if you  need supplies please check with St. Mark Catholic Church at 42021  Highway 621 Gonzales, LA 70737 or call the Parish office at  225-647-8461.

God Bless

Holy Rosary Staff

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